Select problems from;s Algebra 1 FlexBook (Open Source Textbook). This is a good playlist to review if you want to make sure you have a good understanding of all of the major topics in Algebra I.
Videos on trigonometry. Watch the &34;Geometry&34; playlist first if you have trouble understanding the topics covered here.
Sal does the 80 problems from the released questions from the California Standards Test for Geometry. Test at . Basic understahome school academynding of Algebra I necessary.
Non-trigonometry pre-calculus topics. Solid understanding of all of the topics in the &34;Algebra&34; playlist should make this playlist pretty digestible.
With a library of over2,800 videoscovering everything from arithmetic to physics, finance, and history and296 practice exercises,were on a missionto help you learn what you want, when you want, at your own pace.
I am going to work through every problem in the College Board &34;Official SAT Study Guide.&34; You should take the practice tests on your own, grade them and then use these videos to understand the problems you didn&39;t get or review. Have fun!
Khan Academy home school academy,Practice with an exercise
Topics covered in a first year course in differential equations. Need to understand basic differentiation and integration from Calculus playlist before starting here.
Sal working through the 53 problems from the practice test available at for the CAHSEE (California High School Exit Examination). Clearly useful if you&39;re looking to take that exam. Probably still useful if you want to make sure you have a solid understanding of basic high school math.
Topics covered in the first two or three semesters of college calculus. Everything from limits to derivatives to integrals to vector calculus. Should understand the topics in the pre-calculus playlist first (the limit videos are in both playlists)
Collection of interviews with and presentations by Salman Khan. Also a few other mentions of Khan Academy at other talks.
We will (eventually)do all of the lectures in the Singapore Math curriculum (which we like). You can follow along through the workbooks available at
Worked developmental math examples from the Monterey Institute. These start pretty basic and would prepare a student for the Algebra I worked examples
Sal works through 155 data sufficiency problems in the GMAC GMAT Review book (so using real GMAT problems). Buy the book, then watch the videos.
Matrices, vectors, vector spaces, transformations. Covers all topics in a first year college linear algebra course. This is an advanced course normally taken by science or engineering majors after taking at least two semesters ofKhan Academy home school academy calculus (although calculus really isn&39;t a prereq) so don&39;t confuse this with regular high school algebra.
180 Worked Algebra I examples (problems written by the Monterey Institute of Technology and Education). You should look at the &34;Algebra&34; playlist if you&39;ve never seen algebra before or if you want instruction on topics in Algebra II. Use this playlist to see a ton of example problems in every topic in the California Algebra I Standards. If you can do all of these problems on your own, you should probably test out of Algebra I (seriously).
Videos on pre-algebra. Should be ready for the &34;Algebra&34; playlist if you understand everything here.
Sal works through 80 questions taken from the California Standards Test for Algebra II. Good place to review the major topics in Algebra II even if you&39;re not in California. Many of these topics are taught in more depth in the &34;Algebra&34; playlist.
The most basic of the math playlists. Start here if you have very little background in math fundamentals (or just want to make sure you do). After watching this playlist, you should be ready for the pre-algebra playlist.
Topics covered in college organic chemistry course. Basic understanding of basic high school or college chemistry assumed
Videos on geometry. Basic understanding of Algebra I necessary. After this, you&39;ll be ready for Trigonometry.
Topics covered from very basic algebra all the way through algebra II. This is the best algebra playlist to start at if you&39;ve never seen algebra before. Once you get your feet wet, you may want to try some of the videos in the &34;Algebra I Worked Examples&34; playlist.
Massachusetts Tests for Education Licensure (MTEL) General Curriculum (03) Practice Test explained by Sal. Good problems for deep understanding of pre-algebra concepts.
Introduction to statistics. Will eventually cover all of the major topics in a first-year statistics course (not there yet!)
Projectile motion, mechanics and electricity and magnetism. Solid understanding of algebra and a basic understanding of trigonometry necessary.
Videos attempting to grasp a little bit about our Universe (many of the topics associated with &34;Big History&34;)
Sal works through the problems from the CA Standards released questions: . Good videos to review Algebra I (The &34;Algebra I Worked Examples&34; playlist is more comprehensive and should probably be watched first).
Spontaneous conversations about works of art where the speakers are not afraid to disagree with each other or art history orthodoxy. Videos are made by Dr. Beth Harris and Dr. Steven Zucker along with other contributors.
Worked developmental math examples from the Monterey Institute (part 2). These start at Algebra I and would prepare a student for basic college mathematics.